Hello there! We’re odd
We mean, ODD Coffee Roasters. And we’re here to welcome you to.. the.. *drumroll* *add suspense* BREWWWAKENING. *queue gasp* Yeah, we know, it’s a bit of an odd word. But it seemed “on-brand”, so we’re going with it.
it goes back to the late 1800s when people realised that coffee didn’t have to be the rich man’s drink. So long story short, as the war ended, innovation boomed and opportunities simmered, the once elusive coffee soon became mass produced, easily accessible and… (it hurts to even say it)… instant.
After years of this mediocrity, people finally said “Brew you!” (no, we’re not sorry), mixing soil-like powder in hot water was no way to drink coffee. And thus came the second wave.
Coffee chains brought back artisanal sourcing, roasting, blending. And along with the freshly roasted beans, came a culture where everything happened ‘over a cup of coffee’. Over time, coffee shops became a hub for dates, meetings, work, breakfast and sugary beverages… the coffee itself took a bit of a back seat.
The third wave began at the turn of the 21st century. People started seeing coffee beyond the dark roasted espresso. We began to understand, appreciate and demand not just coffee, but every hidden flavour, every layer and every note that it had to offer. The nuts, the flowers, the berries, the chocolates and all its other goodness.
Now, don’t get us wrong, this wave has been great. Coffee has been appreciated the way it
should be but the estates, the machines, the French presses, the jargon… it’s all been a little bit exhausting.
There, we said it.
And that’s why, we’re introducing, the Brewakening.It is coffee in all its glory — quality roasts from the finest of Indian estates, blended to perfection. All the notes and flavours. Just brought to you in one easy, Easy to brew, mess free brew bags. Our innovative packaging has enabled us to maintain the sanctity of coffee without the hassle.
So now, you can brew-woke.
(ok, we’re a little sorry about that one)
Yours, Oddly